Day 12: Visiting Godma & Godpa + BookfairMy mom and I took the MTR to 北角 and met up with my Godmother at the exit. We walked to a 茶楼, where my godpa and Carol, a friend of my mom and godma,
(they used to be colleagues when my mom was still teaching in hk) were waiting .
Everyone said they won't be able to recognize me if they saw me on the streets. o_O The last time I saw my godpa was four years ago and I haven't been writing much to him, especially this year ): I could tell he was really excited to see me though.
The choice of word was
"excited" because he's like a kid and adults don't get excited that easily right? He's such an interesting old man, it makes writing a whole essay all about him a piece of cake!
I won't torment you hungry peeps by posting pictures of the food (though I took alot of pictures today too)....JUST BECAUSE IT WASN'T THAT NICE TODAY :D I'm too old for santa claus so it doesn't matter if I'm naughty or evil hahah....
Here are some pictures:

Godma, me, mom, and their friend Carol (Auntie Carol)

Godma, Godpa, me, mom.
My Godma's a principal of a school and my Godpa is just....very cute and funny!
He's the kind of person who'll throw insults at you 24/7 (
mostly true, but most people won't do that), so he keeps pissing my Godma off. I can't count the number of insults he's thrown at my mom with my 10 fingers so my Godma said this to him: (english translation)
"If you continue insulting her she won't want to visit you anymore and as a punishment I won't let you see your God daugther!" Ohyes, I don't understand why he likes seeing me, I think i'm the only female (in my generation) he knows LOL.
Anyway, he has a wicked sense of humour. He's really clever and his brain works really quickly so he can churn out the funniest jokes within seconds, most of them consisting of word play
(best jokes!). I can't remember the funnier examples, but he said:
Him: "你知不知道
除志摩 是瞎的吗?”
Me: “真的?”
Him: “当然!他 随处摸 (touch everywhere?!) 嘛!”
Hmm actually you can only understand if you know cantonese. both are of the same pronounciation LOL. He has alot of these kind of jokes that makes you go ROFL. He can piss my godma off but after awhile she'll break into a smile again cause his jokes
(actually they're just blabbering) are so funny and cute HAHA.
Sometimes he's so crappy, nobody listens to him. So when my mom, godma and friend are talking about more serious matters, he'll either start his chain of criticisms relating to their topic or blabber a whole load of rubbish andd try to get their attention like a kid. So I'll talk to him and the rest might follow too.
When he gets impatient (like the waiters don't serve us), he'll go get his own water or do other random stuff. My Godma would start "lecturing" him but he won't care.
Then he'll start insulting people again and utter more nonsense (real funny crap) and sometimes churn out some really meaningful and wise statement.
Oh, he has a huge ego too. He was like, “世上没有我真是没有乐趣!” (the world won't be a fun place without me). At these times, the adults will start insulting him back then ignore him. Another thing he does when he gets bored is to
sing more
His insults aside, he's a great person to be with cause he's just so interesting! No, I take my words back, his insults make him funny actually. Most people won't take them to heart anyway :P
That's already a quarter of an essay and there's so much more I can write about him! He's also a really moody guy, cause he can be grumpy and emo the whole day and refuse to talk to you. Today's a good day cause he's being cheerful HAHAHA.
I don't know how my godma ended up with him cause she's the complete opposite! My godma's a very nice person :]
After lunch, we walked to a place where we took a bus to their apartment.

passed by this shop.


You have to
MANUALLY open the door (refer to picture) and look its just so old @.@
The rest of the shops around it are all very new so I suppose they want to retain these old fashioned lifts and remind the younger generation of the older days?!
First time I've seen these lifts in my whole life!!
Then we reached their house! Its at a place called peacock road:

I remember this pond!

and I used to run around this slope at night!

Their unit (the white bulging thing is the security guard "box") with the clothes and stuff

another picture. And yes, the Christmas flowers (poinsettia) are real cause its quite cold here. Temperature is 11 degrees today!
They have the COOLEST stuff in their house like the FIRST instrument of china, some cup called the 贪心杯 that has a hole at the bottom. When its not full, water won't leak but when you fill it to the brim, the water will start flowing out from the hole at the bottom! don't know how it works o_O
There's also massage chairs, electrical sole massagers, digital temperature controller for the shower, and the coolest table around. Oh, and electrical hole punchers where you just slot the paper in and its done.
Godma had an appointment so we left after awhile. She treated me to coffee malteasers!
After that, my mom and I took a bus to the HK convention centre for a
BOOK FAIR. My other uncle gave us tickets :D
The offer was buy 2 get 1 free for english novels! one for HKD 59, 3 books for HKD 119! That's around 7 SGD for one novel and you can only get them at like, 18 SGD k. So I kinda got crazy...
There's stuff you guys all read like jodi picoult, judith mcnaught, tom clancy, dave pelzer, cecilia ahern, Michael crichton, dean koontz, nora roberts...BLA BLA BLA, REALLY ALOT.
So I took around 40, sat on the floor and had a really hard time doing eliminations. A photographer took many photos of me cause he thinks Im' amuzing -__-
Photographer: "YOU'RE BUYING ALL?"
Me: "of course not!!! Doing eliminations now!"
Photographer: "BUY ALL! So I can take a photo of you carrying all the books!"
I won't of course I'll look like an idiot (I'm certain I looked like an idiot with my screwed up face trying to decide which books to not buy D:)
Anyway, I spent an hour just to make my decision on the final 15 books I bought. The receipt was real long cause my mom bought a stack to...You won't want to know the price cause its quite scary. The journey home was terrible cause the books were so freaking heavy!!!!
My dad was already at home so he cooked this FANTASTIC cup noodles for us:
The beef is not dried, its packed so its still tender!

(red packet is the beef)

I'm watching madagascar with my cuzzie tomorrow. and i love watching zhu guang bao qi on tv! PLUS, i learnt a new phrase: za za lum!!!
and so to bed!